Tourismus & Travel

50 Jahre Europa-Park Erlebnis-Resort

Das Europa-Park Erlebnis-Resort kann mit Stolz auf eine äußerst erfolgreiche Unternehmensgeschichte zurückblicken: 250.000 Gäste kamen im Eröffnungssommer 1975, heute ist das Familienunternehmen eines der beliebtesten Tourismusziele der Nation. In den 50 Jahren seines Bestehens hat […]

Tourismus & Travel

Monaco: Signing ceremony of the commemorative plaque of the World Sports Capitals

In the presence of Mrs. Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Acting Minister of State, and Mr. Lionel Beffre, Government Counselor – Minister of the Interior, this official signing of the commemorative plaque symbolizes Monaco’s commitment to the development […]

Tourismus & Travel

Monaco: Joël Darfeuille, receptionist at the Fairmont Monte Carlo, won the prestigious 33rd edition of the David Campbell Trophy

He was crowned „Best Receptionist in France“ after an exceptional final held at the Peninsula Paris on December 2, 2024. This competition, which highlights the best professionals in the hotel industry, saw Joël stand out […]

Tourismus & Travel

Fürst Albert II. von Monaco besucht Europa-Park

Die fürstliche Familie hatte viel Spaß auf zahlreichen Europa-Park-Achterbahnen und auch in der Wasserwelt Rulantica. Die neue Achterbahn „Voltron Nevera“ bezeichnete das monegassische Staatsoberhaupt als einmalig. Es sei die großartigste Achterbahnfahrt, die er jemals gemacht […]

Tourismus & Travel

Europa-Park startet in die 22. Wintersaison

Rund 70 Pressevertreter konnten sich bereits vorab gemeinsam mit der Inhaberfamilie Mack auf eine winterliche Reise durch den magischen Europa-Park begeben und dabei die weihnachtliche Atmosphäre genießen. Im Französischen Themenbereich gibt es bei Kambly wieder […]

Tourismus & Travel

Leading brands, retailers, operators and airports confirm their presence at TFWA World Exhibition & Conference 2023

Among additions to the event this year will be an extension to the Ambassadors Village, and a new Majestic Beach Village. To see the list of companies exhibiting at TFWA World Exhibition & Conference, click […]

Tourismus & Travel

This summer, let yourself be charmed by Roquebrune-Cap-Martin and its exceptional summer programming

Patrick Césari, Mayor of Roquebrune-Cap-Martin said: „Our city will be the scene of a multitude of events and activities that will delight young and old. Concerts, theater festival, parades, fireworks, games, sport, well-being and traditional […]

Since its creation in January 2012, the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis has been based on an attractive territory ranging from the shores of the Mediterranean to the peaks of Mercantour, bringing together 51 municipalities and more than 550,000 inhabitants. Anxious to adapt its territory to the climate emergency and the biodiversity crisis we are going through, the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolis has voted a Climate Plan whose goal is to achieve -55% gas emissions at greenhouse effect by 2030. Copyright: Mandoga Media
Tourismus & Travel

The City of Nice and the Nice Côte d’Azur Region join forces with the „Forum de l’Engagement“

The city of Nice and the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis are pleased that the Forum de l’Engagement devotes a particular focus to the metropolitan territory, within a unique and personalized platform: The projects already […]

Stock Photo Monaco, Copyright: Mandoga Media
Tourismus & Travel

Monaco: Continuation of discussions with transport professionals from people from the Principality and Alpes-Maritimes

Many ways of reflection were discussed taking into account the concerns of each organization. However, for timing reasons, it was not possible to finalize the system. vignettes and discussions will continue from the start of […]