The Mayor of Eze, Stéphane Cherki, said at the Press Conference:
Through plays, stagings, authors, artists, the Théâtrales d’Eze aim to celebrate the talents of the world of theatre. We are thus reconnecting with the time when Francis Blanche, the comic soul of the village, welcomed his friends who held the top billing during the Trente Glorieuses.
This first edition, served by the interpretation of popular actors of the moment, will take place in the open air, within the walls of the Oppidum of Eze, a real open-air stage.
With Les Théâtrales d’Eze, the municipality of Eze wishes to highlight quality shows within a popular, cultural and artistic event and to provoke new emotions in the spectator every evening!
Entrusted to David Brécourt, actor, director, but also artistic director of the festival, the rich program of four contemporary plays, funny, incisive or hard-hitting, will approach all aspects of comedy.
Pledge of our seriousness, Francis Huster gives us the pleasure of sponsoring this first edition and will be able to carry the festival beyond our commune!
From now on, the appointment will be made every summer: Eze, our remarkable village with its unique decor, will serve as a setting to celebrate the theater and so that everyone can vibrate with emotion and experience the sweetness of life that we know in our perched village.
Thank you Stéphane Cherki, thank you also to your cultural assistant Mrs. Céline Zambon for creating this new theater festival in this magnificent setting, with David Brécourt as project manager.
It is with pleasure that I give him all my support, convinced that he can succeed in Eze, which the public (and what a public! 600 people per evening if everything is successful!) is impatiently waiting: the 3 shots!! ! Not those struck centuries before the curtain rose and which signified „In the name… of the Father (1st strike), of the Son (2nd strike) and of the Holy Spirit (3rd strike)“, but the three strikes of one acclaimed festival: the venue (1st masterstroke), the show (2nd masterstroke) and the audience (3rd masterstroke).
The place will fill the public, it is magical. The play, which is different every night, should also delight, with this choice of fresh, young, lively comedies that are completely in their place here, with concerned actors, who will make you laugh as well as move you. The public, on the other hand, is not yet a festival public, but if the pieces are lucky enough to please them, then it will be proof of David’s mastery in the imposed choices which will have hit the mark.
David Brecourt, ARTISTIC DIRECTOR and Actor, said:
It was last year when playing my show „En ce temps-là l’amour“ on the church square in Eze that the idea of an open-air festival appeared to us as obvious at the town hall. and to myself.
Four evenings in a row with four different shows will be presented at the Oppidum du Col d’Eze in a sumptuous setting between the sea and the Alps.
It is a huge honor for us to have Mr. Francis Huster as our sponsor this year, he is obviously the providential man of the theater that we needed. He will strike the three blows on August 5 to declare open the theaters of Eze 2023.
Thank you to the Mayor of the municipality of Eze, Stéphane Cherki, and to Madame Céline Zambon, assistant to culture for their trust.
Thank you to all our sponsors for their support and in particular to the Alpes-Maritimes departmental council.
I also warmly thank the municipal council and all the municipal agents for their involvement and their cultural dynamism.
Thank you, dear audience, for responding.
One SHOW :
25 € full price
10 € for under 18s
80 € full price
20 € for under 18s
More Infos at: https://lestheatralesdeze.com/programmation/