The „Club de l’Immobilier Côte d’Azur“ is organizing for the first time this year,
the Real Estate Day, an opportunity to bring together its members and partners and promote the territory oft he South of France to potential investors. We asked the president oft the Club, Christophe Bousquet, some questions.
How was the Idea of a Real Estate Club in the Souht of France born?
„At the beginning of the association, we were a group of friends from different
real estate professions. Our idea was to bring together our different professions around a
club to work together. The „Club de l’Immobilier Côte d’Azur“ was born in February
2020, based on the same model as the „Club Immobilier Marseille Provence“ which has existed for 20 years and which is clearly our reference. Our collective is thus made up of about thirty entrepreneurs (architects, insurers, lawyers, bankers, design offices, builders, developers, investors, property managers, notaries, promoters, trustees, etc.) and about a hundred Business partners.“
Why did you want to bring together all the Real Estate professions in one association?
„We each have our own federations to represent our professions, but there was no
„Côte d’Azur“ structure, bringing together all the construction professions of our Region.
By speaking with one voice but with our different skills, the club wants to be an actor
committed to our territory, able to promote it through meetings and events,
but also ambitious projects. Also an agitator of ideas, the club does not hesitate either
to launch innovative Think Tanks or to bring together all the stakeholders of a project to
try to provide answers and find solutions.“